award dinner中文什么意思

发音:   用"award dinner"造句
  • award:    vt. 1.授与,给与;奖与。 2. ...
  • dinner:    n. 正餐,(现通例指)晚餐;午[晚 ...
  • a dinner:    大餐
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  1. More recently , foster was named humanitarian of the year at last year s national charity award dinner in washington , d . c
  2. Finalists will need to purchase gala award dinner tickets online through the conference website when registering
  3. E . g . the facilities manager at parkway hotel was calling about arrangements for the awards dinner next week
  4. The finalists and winners of the gdaa awards will be announced at the game connect : asia pacific conference and awards dinner
  5. Sir alex ferguson and his players were all in attendance at the old trafford awards dinner - the first of its kind to be organised by the club
    弗格森爵士和他的球员们都参加了在老特拉福德的颁奖晚宴? ?这是由俱乐部主办的第一个类似活动。


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  2. award college scholarships 什么意思
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  6. award enforceable at law 什么意思
  7. award fee 什么意思
  8. award for best young actor and actress 什么意思
  9. award for invention 什么意思
  10. award fund 什么意思


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